Zachary L. Rose


Zachary Rose is a career-oriented educator with the aim of becoming an impactful educational leader. Raised in rural New Jersey, he is a product of the state's public school system; a system he strongly believes in.

After obtaining a Bachelor of History and certifications in Secondary and Special Education, Zachary began his career working with high school students. For the last three years, he has been with Willingboro Public Schools in the positions of Social Studies Teacher, Golf Coach, and Model Congress advisor. 

In addition to his responsibilities as a teacher, Zachary has taken on leadership roles within his building. As a respected colleague and valued collaborator, he taken part in the school's Leader in Me initiative, led targeted PLCs, collaborated on events to improve the building's climate culture, and has become an informal mentor to new staff. 

He is looking for his first full-time administrative-level leadership position. 

Please click the buttons below to see past experience, projects and accomplishmnts, and written publications.



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